The Drama Factory logo
Act Create Transform With over 30 years experience in the child care and
kindergarten world, we give you peace of mind that
your child’s personal wellbeing and development
is building for a better future.
The Drama Factory logo EDUCATION THROUGH PLAY Act Create Transform With over 30 years experience in the child care and
kindergarten world, we give you peace of mind that
your child’s personal wellbeing and development
is building for a better future.

More About Us




The Drama Factory is dedicated to providing the highest quality of theatrical training to young people in a fun and nurturing environment.

Taught by leading drama educators and artisans in the performing art community, our innovative and contemporary curriculum aims to enrich the hearts and minds of today’s youth by providing them creative opportunities that aid in the development of self-awareness, critical thinking, team-building and personal growth.

Rising Stars

4 – 6 Years Old

The focus of the Junior Program is to encourage cooperation and group awareness. The “good” group feeling generated by physical movement and energetic drama activities promotes trust in and sensitivity to others required for social growth. The Junior Drama program is designed to introduce storytelling, pantomime, improvisation, drama and voice.

Show Stoppers

7 – 11 Years Old

The Intermediate Program is designed to introduce actors to specific techniques in order to develop their mind, voice and body for a confident and honest performance. Improvisation and scripted scene study provide fluency in acting fundamentals like conflict, action and given circumstances. As collaboration is essential to the creation of theatre, students will develop the social skills required to find creative solutions as a member of a team, to confidently give voice to original ideas, and grow respect towards the ideas of their peers. The drama curriculum introduces improvisation, comedy, role-play, mask, mime, voice and physical theatre.


12 – 18 Years Old

The Advanced Program develops the fundamentals of Drama to become bold and daring actors. Improvisation plays a strong role in the Advanced Program, allowing actors to follow their instincts and impulses. Character work is introduced, as well as drawing on the life experiences of the actor to share an honest and organic performance. The advanced drama program covers improvisation, comedy, classical theatre training techniques, stage combat and musical theatre elements

What We Offer

An outstanding personalised Drama Company for students.

We are dedicated to ensuring students are challenged, supported and motivated each week developing key skills in each and every session. These include; confidence, communication skills, problem solving, critical thinking, Empathy building and many more. Not only do we work on these key transferable skills but we also develop thire theatre skills. Every session focuses on the fundamentals of acting and performance. Each term we look at new content and theatre styles with each class. This improves their performance ability and skills whilst preparing them for their future.

Face to Face Classes

Tuesday- Downtown Abu Dhabi & Saadiyat 

Wednesday – Al Raha & Saadiyat

Thursday – Al Raha 

Extra School Curricular

Available upon request

Contact a member of our team for more information

Private One to One Sessions

Acting/Theatre one to ones. 

Musical Theatre one to ones

Vocal Coaching one to ones

Contact a member of our team for more information

The Drama Factory offers LAMDA

LAMDA exam is the speech and drama equivalent of a music grade, which begin at basic levels and culminates at Grade 8. The exams use performance to develop self confidence, physical presence and a strong speaking voice.
LAMDA exams cover a range of disciplines.

Level of Qualifications we offer

Introductory (minimum age 5 but no maximum!)
Level 1- Grade 1,2,3
Level 2- Grades 4 & 5
Level 3 – Grade 6,7,8, (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
Bronze and Silver- GCSE
Gold is UCAS A level

Our Team

Debbie Sheilds

Founder/Theatre Specialist

Chris Watson

Founder/Theatre Specialist

Steph Watson

Founder/Theatre Specialist

Gemma Chance

Vocal and Theatre Specialist

Debbie Shields team member icon
Chris Watson team member icon
Steph Watson team member icon
Gemma Change team member icon

Lorenna White

Theatre Specialist

Charlotte Harwood

Theatre Specialist

Emily Brown

Theatre Specialist

Natalie Turner

Theatre Specialist

Lorenna White team member icon
Charlotte Harwood team member icon
Emily Brown team member icon
Natalie Turner team member icon


The Drama Factory Enquiries


If you have any questions or further queries about The Drama Factory please complete the form below.